Saturday, November 12, 2011

10 Ways Chinese tea treatment - to reduce high blood pressure

In fact, high blood pressure, in addition to other drug therapy, there are some tea can lower blood pressure, lower blood pressure play a very good effect. Today to recommend the 10 tea treatment of hypertension, lowering blood pressure really work.

1 treatment of hypertension tea, chrysanthemum tea:

Chrysanthemum to be used as chamomile, each with 3 grams of tea drinking, 3 times a day, for hypertension, atherosclerosis in patients with a significant effect.

2 tea treatment of hypertension, hawthorn tea:

Hawthorn contains ingredients can dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, can be several times a day with fresh hawthorn tea drinking 1 to 2.

3 treatment of hypertension tea, lotus leaf tea:

Wash with Xian Heye chopped half a sheet, add the right amount of water, boil and let cool tea with future generations, can expand blood vessels, heat and hot weather, lower blood pressure.

Tea treatment of hypertension 4, Huaihua tea:

The growth of the locust tree buds off dry, soaked with water when the tea, drink several times a day, has a unique effect on patients with hypertension.

Tea treatment of hypertension 5, Shouwu tea:

Take Radix 20 grams to 30 grams, add boiling water for 30 minutes, until cool and after a tea, one dose a day have lower blood pressure, reduce the effect of thrombosis.

Tea treatment of hypertension 6, Kudzu tea:

Kudzu will cut into thin slices, daily 30 grams, add water, boil a tea, due to hypertension-induced headache, dizziness, tinnitus and lumbar acid leg pain and other symptoms have better mitigation effect.

Tea treatment of hypertension 7, lotus tea:

With lotus 12 grams, boiling water, tea with future generations, drink once a day morning and evening, in addition to lowering blood pressure, but also soothe the nerves, strong heart.

8 treatment of hypertension tea, cassia seed tea:

Several times a day with 15 grams to 20 grams of cassia flood damage on behalf of the tea use, treat high blood pressure, dizziness, blurred vision.

Tea treatment of hypertension 9, mistletoe tea:

Take Loranthaceae dried 15 g, boiling 15 minutes after drinking, daily morning and evening, there are secondary effects of the treatment of hypertension.

Tea treatment of hypertension 10, Corn tea:

Drinking tea several times a day, each 25 grams to 30 grams, has a good blood pressure lowering effect.

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