Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chinese medicine to cure erectile dysfunction

Impotence, kidney patients often take their own impotence drugs, but the result was more complement the more true, why is this?

From the Chinese perspective, impotence, many clinical syndromes, only one kidney, expressed as waist and knees, cold, thin stool. Mostly due to over-indulgence, Hao Shang yang due, then you can use a variety of kidney yang of Chinese medicine, such as deer antler, ginseng, deer and so on.

If the impotence is due to thought-over, caused by the Firelight Hao Shang yin. Performance of the waist and knees, insomnia, heat intolerance. Pure heart and nourishing the drug should be used, such as habitat, white peony root, cornus. If you blindly take a kidney impotence drugs, obviously counterproductive, making the disease worse.

If the impotence is due to too thick and greasy food Feigan, caused by excessive smoking and drinking, the performance of mouth pain, irritability, back pain, perineal pain, yellow urine. Liver and gallbladder damp heat clearing can only use the drug, such as gentian, skullcap, Treats and so on.

If the impotence is due to mental stress, or certain drugs causes side effects, kidney without taking any drugs, when the tension eased, or disable the related drugs, impotence will be dead healing.


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