Here to introduce you to some common acute disease of acupuncture first aid, life is good enough.
Hoku point pressure treatment of syncope
Heat stroke, stroke, exhaustion and other causes can lead to syncope, mainly for the patient suddenly collapsed, unconscious, pale, sweating, this time, patients can thumb pinch pinch Hoku (tiger's mouth), for 2-3 minutes , then go to the hospital symptomatic treatment.
Pressure points to relieve angina hole sun
Angina pectoris is often accompanied by chest compression, choking feeling, the condition is very critical. Available at this time armed with coins, a coin press to the positive edge points (in the back of the seventh thoracic vertebra, the patient sitting down bow arm, both sides of the shoulder angle at the lower edge of back pay to connect the middle point is that this point), each press 3-6 minutes, you can relieve angina. If the press regularly 3-4 times a day to Yang points, which can effectively prevent angina attacks.
Point pressure point treatment of biliary colic Yanglingquan
Cholecystitis, gallstones attack, severe right upper abdominal cramps may occur, if far from the hospital, patients under the head of the fibula in the leg outside looking for tenderness sensitive point, this point more in Yanglingquan point on. His hands were pressing the thumb hole, and continued to massage for 2 minutes, may be a good analgesic effect.
Spontaneous cure blood pressure shoot up point
Patients with hypertension because of anger, rage, or excitement, the blood pressure will soar, there is a great threat to the lives of patients. At this point, you can press the CHD (fingers are pointing in the fist that is), and to control blood pressure, blood pressure gradually returned to normal. Methods: using thumb pressure from CHD before then, one by one to each finger press, about the exchange push, push to keep calm, breathing evenly.
Sanyinjiao point pressure treatment of renal colic
Renal colic is caused by urinary calculi surgical emergency. As severe pain, the patient miserable. At this point, the available thumb Rouan Sanyinjiao point pressure (in the medial malleolus on the 3 inch), repeated massage 3-5 minutes, renal colic can be eased.
Point pressure heel stop epistaxis
Labor, meals, etc., it is very prone to nose bleeding. In the absence of drugs, and yet so far away from the hospital case, can quickly pinch pinch the heel (between the ankle and with the inner depression), the left nasal bleeding pinch pinch right heel; the right epistaxis with left foot pinch pinch, can play a role in hemostasis .
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