Friday, November 11, 2011

Chinese medicine treatment of dandruff recipe

Chinese medicine believes that this and feeling the wind-heat, in addition to pay attention to head health, it can also use the following traditional Chinese medicine remedies to dandruff.

1, Morus alba fried peeled dandruff liquid

Morus alba L. 50-100 grams, fried liquid 2500 ml shampoo once a week, have dandruff and prevent hair loss effect.

2, Gleditsia dandruff

Gleditsia 50-100 grams of mashed, 500-1000 ml of boiled water. Go head first washed with warm dust, grease, and then washed twice with saponin, and then rinse with water, twice a week, even wash a few weeks, dandruff can disappear.

3, chrysanthemum leaves to dander

Chrysanthemum leaves 40, cleaned and put into the pot, add some boiling water, cook green juice later, let cool, then put the bottle to save. When used, the direct use of this juice to wash, massage the scalp can be. Chrysanthemum leaves contains special essential oils, with chrysanthemum leaves boiled juice to wash hair, can inhibit the growth of dandruff.

4, Apple Dressing

Half a cup of apple juice and 2 tablespoons rice vinegar into the basin, and mix thoroughly. First use shampoo to wash hair, then wash the hair into a basin filled with apple vinegar in order to comb hair comb dipped in apple vinegar to the final wash with shampoo. Apple juice and vinegar can effectively absorb the excess grease in the hair, so you can adjust the scalp oil secretion, play to the role of anti-dandruff oil.

5, black beans boiled water to dandruff

100 g black beans into the pot, add the right amount of clean boiled soft, black beans will be filtered. With the cooked soup to wash hair, dandruff can be effectively suppressed to prevent dandruff regeneration.

6, Speranskia / Mulberry dextrose antidandruff

Speranskia 100 grams, mulberry 50 grams, add water 1000 ml, fried thick juice, poured into the basin. Cooler until the concoction after concoction with a towel dipped in the Ministry of shampoo, rinse with water after 20 minutes, washed 2 times a day, a week or so can be effective.

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